Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Letter to Anna Wintour

Dear Ms. Wintour,

My goodness! In the Devil Wears Prada, Ms. Weisberger refers to southerners with such disdain, it's as if she would have one believe that in-breeding in the south was as prevalent as the alligators in the sewers of New York City.

As I understand you currently keep company with a triple threat Texas Telecommunications Tycoon, perhaps you do not require a tutorial into the intricacies of southern culture. If so, please forgive me. I did not, however, want to leave it to chance.

While I DO happen to reside in the South, I like to think of myself as a rather cosmopolitan sort of girl, even though I do not happen to subscribe to that particular publication, mind you.

My family is all very well-educated and well-traveled. I can assure you that in-breeding in the family was phased out several generations ago with striking results. We all boast IQs of AT LEAST three times the latitudinal boundary of the Mason-Dixon line (which runs between 39'43'26.3 N and 39'43'17.6 N). Furthermore, we have all blessed the world with the correct number of fingers, toes, and various other appendages.

Having accomplished all this, I was hoping you would not mind taking a mere moment of your valuable time to review my resume and give me any pointers, as you see fit. I am always on the lookout for the next exciting growth opportunity and do so want to put my best foot forward - five toes only, I promise!

In closing, thank you so much for your time! Keep that chin up and keep looking the world in the face from behind the frames of those fabulous Chanel shades! Darling, the devil MAY wear Prada, but we ALL know God does too, only she looks ten times better in it!

All my best,
Lucy Diamond


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